Last weekend we moved our little guy out of his bassinet in our room up to his big boy crib. He was getting too big, physically, for the bassinet and too old, age-wise, to be sleeping in the same room. It's been an adjustment for all of us.
To Jack, the crib is like a king-size bed. No pillows, no covers, no bumpers. Now that he can roll onto his side, I listen to the monitor anxiously for any signs of distress.
I take the 8 p.m.--1 a.m. baby shift and Jamie takes the 1 a.m.--6 a.m. shift, sleeping in the upstairs bedroom during our respective watches. Luckily after a few nights, Jack became used to his bed and we're all sleeping a little more peacefully.
I'll have to get a pic of him in his new bed.