Things today that are striking me as some of the MANY reasons I love you so much and am astounded by you:
- You love water--baths, swimming, running through water spray. You've managed to sneak into the little pool with your clothes on and even tried to do it at Aunt Kay and Uncle Doug's today.
- You want to try new things (well, except for food!) Today you watched Everett, Kaylee and Elisabeth playing and you mimmicked almost all of it with a smile on your face.
- You amaze me with your good memory. You remember words in books, names, letters, songs....seemingly everything. I love to listen to you sing your favorite songs while I drive: Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle and the ABCs.
- You like to spot things. Right now, as I write, you're helping Diego point out animals. Earlier you were calling "Goooooats" out the window. I know when we go play in the evening shade tonight that you'll run right over to the tree and ask for a branch to feed to Diedra.
- I love how you get excited when we are a few roads away from Aunt Dayna's house because you know where we're going.
- You love to make people laugh and you love to express yourself through laughter, shrieks, your eyebrows and dance.
- You love me unconditionally. When I feel like a failure because I haven't been able to find a job in 6 months, you remind me that when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter. You love me anyway!