Sunday, November 25, 2007

Belated Updates

Wow! Am I a slacker, or what? "Hi, my name is Jen. And it's been almost a month since my last blog."

Jack is growing like crazy. At almost four months, he is now sitting up assisted. He'll sit on our laps and talk and he loves to sit in his activity center and bang on the toy piano. It was so cute--at first he wasn't quite sure what to do, so we started hitting keys and then he hit one on accident. After that, it was a free-for-all. I can see the stickers on the piano not lasting long, with drooley fingers slapping them.

Speaking of drool--oh, my goodness! Jack is teething, so there is almost always a string of thick drool rolling down his chin. He's been sticking his hands in his mouth, so he's always covered in drool. Sometimes he'll get fussy due to the teething pain, but for the most part he's been doing great.

Last night he slept a full 8 hours straight. He has been skipping his middle of the night feeding on a regular basis the last few weeks. Even though he's been sleeping soundly, we've still been up, waiting for him to start howling for food. I'm sure we'll slowly adjust to having a long night's sleep--if that's even possible for parents. Well, maybe in 18 years or so.

Jack's been a social butterfly lately. I've taken him to two different little parties. He was extremely quite at both, but in a cheerful mood. He likes to watch other kids play. Last night Auntie Laura came over, and all of his attention was devoted to giving her the biggest, drooliest smiles and saying "agooo, goo-eeee, goow."

He is now learning more about cause and effect and the art of forecasting. He knows that if he reaches out to grab a toy, he'll get it; or, if he's bored, all he has to do is say "Ah! Ah!" and we'll talk to him. He also knows that if I start to make a kissy-sound, he'll be getting a big smooch on his cheek. He'll lean towards me and start smiling and squealing before I get to his face. I don't know if he's trying to or not, but many times I get an open-mouthed slobbery kiss back when he turns his face towards the kiss.

Right now, Jamie and Jack are dozing in the recliner. It's funny to see how their heads are the same shape and the pucker of their lips follow the same line.

Tonight we're feeding him his first meal of rice cereal. We'll see how that goes! I anticipate messy, with a chance of spitting.

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