Monday, December 1, 2008
On to the Busy Bees...
So today he started in his new toddler classroom. He's going from cribs and high chairs to cots and regular, although itty-bitty, chairs. I dropped him off this morning so that I could take a look around the new room. Jack went straight for the toys. All seemed well until I slipped out the door and was closing it behind me. He screeched and began crying. I know it's just that it's a different routine now, but I still have thought about him all day long. I know he'll like it. After all, one reason they 'promoted' him to the next class was because he would sneak down to that room to play with the toys after playing outside or in the gym. The teacher found him one day just playing alongside the other students!
I have been very pleased with his progress while at his new school. Not only has he physically advanced with walking, climbing and playing, but he's more socially with it than I think he would be if still at the home care, where the kids were stuck in the living room watching tv all day. The past week he's been 'dancing', walking backwards and turning around in circles until he gets dizzy. He's getting to the point now that he and Jamie can wrestle a bit. He understands the concept and the fun. He also met his first dog this past weekend and was able to transfer the concept of 'gentle' from his play with the cats to petting the large dog. My little guy!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Paci Rears Its Ugly Head
Jamie informed me th other day that when he went to pick up Jack that Jack was sucking on a paci! Now, for those of you who are new readers, an FYI--we left our paci days behind us
LAST JANUARY! We thought it so easy to get him off that baby-crack. According to one teacher he talked to, Jack "loves" pacis, so eventually they let him walk around with it. First of all, he's supposed to be off of it, and second of all we never sent a paci to school with him, so the germy object was obviously someone else's.
The next day I talked specifically to two of his teachers about not giving him pacis and that I was surprised that they would let him have one, since it's such a controversial habit that should be up to a parent. One teacher replied that Jack steals the pacis from other kids...takes them right away. Well, I just couldn't believe that. He doesn't EVER use on at home.
When leaving Jack's classroom the other morning, I turned to give him one last look....lo and behold, he had a paci in his mouth. My back was turned for about 10 seconds!! Furthermore I hadn't seen any of the kids there with a paci. Ugh....according to the teacher, this one must have been lying on the floor from the day before. Gross! Day-old germs! I asked them to more vigilant...we'll see what happens.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Second Halloween

We have lift-off

Rashy Jack

Chatty Jack

Detective Jack
Below are pics from the 'other side'. This is what the cats see when they try to come back up stairs.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The shape of things...
While I've said before that Jack and I share similar personalities, the line has been drawn at organization. I LOVE to organize and have a place for everything. Jack, however, doesn't. I'm hoping it's just because he's one; but he and I have been having a constant struggle with where the Elmo/Sesame Street shapes should go. I prefer them in the toy itself and Jack prefers them.....well, anywhere but where they belong. He'll often crawl by with one shape in each hand, and has been spotted with an extra one clamped between his teeth. I sit and show him how to put the shapes in the toy, and he literally looks right at me and takes them out as fast as I add them.
So far in the last two weeks, Elmo's red square bailed into Luke's truck somewhere (yet to be found), Abby Cadabby's pink octagon tried to hide behind the changing table twice (hooked out both times by a hanger), and Cookie Monster's blue rectangle found safe shelter under the tv stand for a week (where I left it a few days longer than I should have, just to watch Jack lie flat on his belly and try to reach it).

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Confetti Scrambled Eggs with a Side of Biter Biscuit
Jack has learned that he likes to spazz out and flip his food around. He buries his hands in the pile of food and either grabs them while making a he-man grunt or tosses the food around. Tonight we enjoyed scrambled eggs, which fell all over the floor like confetti.
I was too busy cleaning him and the floor up to take pics. I learned, tho, that Jack doesn't mind being cleaned with the vacuum attachment.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Celebrating the one-year mark....
Jack had a fun-filled birthday. We went for a mid-morning swim lesson, with Grandma and Grandpa Ron as our audience, then had friends and family over for the party. Jack loves all of his toys, including the Noah's Ark Little People from Grandpa Jeff, the learning puppy from Great-grandma Mary Lou, and the Elmo shape thingy from Auntie Laura. (He was blessed with many, many great presents.)
See below for more birthday fun....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Here, Here!
I'm tired of new-age parents who don't discipline their kids. When did kids start having 'rights' that went beyond food, shelter and love? I love Jack, but because I love him, I will keep a disciplined and structured environment. I'm not talking about a military-style home, but a home built on mutual respect with the parents as the leaders. Also, when did bribing kids to do work become the standard? If my son expects to be a member of our household, he'll contribute to it like Jamie and I do (within reason).
To me, some of these parents don't discipline for a variety of reasons:
- They want to be their kids' friends.
- They are too lazy or tired. (Busy parents have less time with their kids and it's tempting to give in to kids during the evening hours just to make the night go by more pleasantly.)
- They don't want to 'hurt' the kids' self-esteem.
The problem with kids these days is that they have too much self-esteem and too little self-control. I want Jack to grow up to be confident in his abilities, but not feel entitled to the world catering to his needs. There are rights that we all have, but then there are privileges that we have to work for.
I don't know when this all started. I'm 31 and many older generations could probably point to my age group as being selfish and out-of-control; however, at work many of the college and high school interns seem to lack the basics of being a part of a team atmosphere and seem to have an attitude when expected to do--or not to do--certain things.
In the store I constantly seen harried parents give in to whining children. If Jack whined like that, the only thing I would give him is a swift smack in the rear. Now, I don't advocate child abuse and would only spank or swat after other methods of discipline, such as public humiliation or deprivation of a favorite thing, were to fail. But a firm reminder on a bottom serves as a reminder of who is in control.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Favorite Thing: Daddy
Some of the things Jack loves about his Daddy: Daddy holds him upside down and shakes him around (not too hard, of course). Daddy makes funny faces and accompanying noises. Daddy encourages Jack's farts. Daddy cuddles and kisses, too.
Speaking of adventure....Jack has also learned a new favorite thing: the joy of being naked, coupled with the thrill of hiding from Mommy so she can't catch him.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Favorite Thing: Chewies

While in reality a chewie is just a cloth diaper, it holds a lot of significance for me. At the baby shower that Jack's Auntie Tara and Auntie Andrea held for us, they had everyone decorate a cloth diaper with fabric markers. Everyone had a unique design and each one is special to us.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Favorite Thing: Books

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Jack's Favorite Things

Saturday, July 19, 2008
An Afternoon at the Park
First Hair Cut
Jack took it well. I sat him in his highchair and gave him his favorite strawberry puffs. While he munched, I quickly sheared the ends about 1-1.5 inches.
We love the first pic. It's like one of those makeover shows where the makeoveree's 'before' pic looks like death warmed. I considered giving him the "Aunt Dayna Special", but just couldn't put him through that.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Meeting the cousins
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Finger Food

The question, "do you know where that's been?" takes a pressing emphasis. With four cats, you never know when one might sit on a toy (cat butt germs). We've worked outside in the yard before and tromped through the house, without thinking that our tracks might carry non-edible baddies.

The Glen Oak Experience

Thursday, May 1, 2008
A Night Without Mommy and Daddy....
Although I didn't get the ticker-tape parade I expected at our reunion, I've noticed that he's been a little more cuddily this week, especially at night time. Not sure if it's all connected, but it's definitely more than welcomed! I've missed having a tiny baby to hold all the time, though I enjoy this new, fun, independent stage.