This picture is so Jack. He can't seem to keep his fingers--or really anything--out of his mouth. He doesn't suck on things. He just chews. While he has seven nice teeth (and one more on the way) to show for it, it makes our job harder.
The question, "do you know where that's been?" takes a pressing emphasis. With four cats, you never know when one might sit on a toy (cat butt germs). We've worked outside in the yard before and tromped through the house, without thinking that our tracks might carry non-edible baddies.

Jack keeps busy stuffing anything and everything into his mouth, with the exception of any food bits we put in front of him. He eats well from a spoon, but when it comes to finger-food, he just wants to play. Last night I watched for about 5 minutes while he slowly mulled over some banana bits on his plate. One would stick to his fingers and he'd lift his hand and just stare at it. I wanted to shout, "Just eat it!", but instead let him explore. A patient mommy is a good mommy....I guess.
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