“Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.”--Dale Carnegie
This past Sunday, Jamie shopped his first, full shopping trip by himself in the past two years. We were both nervous--I that he wouldn't be able to navigate Super Wal-Mart by himself and would end up with a cart full of chips and beer, and he that if he came home with chips and beer, mass hysteria and lamenting would ensue.
Oh, I of little faith and too many issues. Jamie surpassed expectations and proved his hunting and gathering skills without exception (though a few bags of chips and goodies were thrown in to boot).
Jamie makes me smile every day. Not only because he cheers me up by adorning my fresh pineapple with a Spongebob, but also because he continually proves me wrong---in a good way. For those who know me, I am a control freak. I like things my way and on my schedule. He reminds me that end results can be achieved by different means and much better than I can often do it myself.
Oh, I of little faith and too many issues. Jamie surpassed expectations and proved his hunting and gathering skills without exception (though a few bags of chips and goodies were thrown in to boot).
Jamie makes me smile every day. Not only because he cheers me up by adorning my fresh pineapple with a Spongebob, but also because he continually proves me wrong---in a good way. For those who know me, I am a control freak. I like things my way and on my schedule. He reminds me that end results can be achieved by different means and much better than I can often do it myself.
You're hillarious, Jen! :) Did you get any direction from the doc this week? Been thinking about you!
Hey... forgot to tell you. I copied and made a blog page to. Writer's Block is me, T! :) You're in Kim and my prayers!
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