Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Will there be time off for good behavior?

Despite the pic, home restriction is not what it's cracked up to be. While I'm loving cuddling with 'mama's babies', I'm very anxious and moody. It's hard staying at home and not doing as much for myself as I'm used to doing. Thank goodness I can still keep in touch a little at work by working on my laptop. It gives me something to do during the day and I feel value-add. I'm still taking time out for naps, though. I wanted to go out and water the plants today, but it was way too hot and I was already looking a little puffy.

I haven't left the house since last Thursday's dr's appt. I'm actually looking forward to my two dr's appts. in the next few days just to get out! We'll find out Thursday when the induction or c-section date is. Most likely it's next week--hard to believe that by this time next week our baby will be with us!

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