Thursday, July 26, 2007


Up until the last few weeks, I've really had a fantastic pregnancy. Minimal first trimester sickness, little weight gain (now at a total of 14.5 lbs, due to a recent loss) and reasonable third trimester discomfort.

But, pride comes before the fall. And what's falling is Jack. I am now faced with lugging around a small bowling ball between my legs. My high spirits and good health have been replaced with a "well, at least he's not waving at me yet" attitude. I'm still excited, but at the point where now that I'm being 'inconvenienced', I'm ready for it to be over with. Pretty selfish, eh?

So, I'm grounded. Dr. Swingler, after struggling with me on the examining table, deemed the baby's engagement, my edema and the increased frequency of my Braxton Hicks a reasonable enough excuse for me to work from home. The upside--way more comfortable. The downside--I can already image that I'll go a little stir-crazy.

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