Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finger Food

This picture is so Jack. He can't seem to keep his fingers--or really anything--out of his mouth. He doesn't suck on things. He just chews. While he has seven nice teeth (and one more on the way) to show for it, it makes our job harder.

The question, "do you know where that's been?" takes a pressing emphasis. With four cats, you never know when one might sit on a toy (cat butt germs). We've worked outside in the yard before and tromped through the house, without thinking that our tracks might carry non-edible baddies.

Jack keeps busy stuffing anything and everything into his mouth, with the exception of any food bits we put in front of him. He eats well from a spoon, but when it comes to finger-food, he just wants to play. Last night I watched for about 5 minutes while he slowly mulled over some banana bits on his plate. One would stick to his fingers and he'd lift his hand and just stare at it. I wanted to shout, "Just eat it!", but instead let him explore. A patient mommy is a good mommy....I guess.

The Glen Oak Experience

Me and Meri. Many years and a lifetime ago, we met on the third floor of Heitz Hall at Bradley. I had been on campus for orientation a few days before the bulk of students arrived and was excited to hear my first dorm neighbor rustling around next door. Meri--unpacking clothes and chatting my ear off. It was the start of one defining, life-altering year.

2008 and Meridith (as she is now called) and I are mommies and wives. A night out means plenty of planning and preparation. No more all night beveraging and dancing. No more all day sleeping (or all night sleeping as a matter of fact). Our beverages are caffienated (for the most part) these days. The last dancing I did was to an Elmo dvd. And, if I'm up at 2 a.m., it's because I'm listening to Jack's breathing on the monitor, tuned to any abnormal sounds. Our husbands wouldn't even be able to fathom our young, crazy days, and probably shouldn't even try to. I need to search my collage photos for a pic of us from back then; one that is tasteful enough for this family show.

A few weeks ago, we met up at Glen Oak park for a picnic, with her husband and three kiddos and Jamie and my lil' dude. Janssen, her oldest, is a pre-teen, which is hard to believe. Olivia, the middle one, is the spitting image of Meridith. Aleise, her youngest, gave little head butts to Jack as a substitute for kisses. Jack was mainly in observation mode, but consented to chuckle a bit when I took him for a ride down the slide.
My little peanut is the smallest, held by Meri's oldest. If we only knew now...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Night Without Mommy and Daddy....

Last Friday Jack spent his first night away from home. He's only 9 months old, but when we thought about it, we have been lightly sleeping, ears always tuned to the baby monitor. Our friends Tara and Kim were totally awesome and volunteered to take him from the night. We were nervous, and I was so afraid that Jack would be sad when he realized we weren't going to be around at bedtime. But, when we came over the next morning to pick him up, he barely acknowledged that we were there! That's good for him.....but sad for me!
Besides being an awesome friend and natural mother, Tara is a fantastic photographer. Below are a few pictures she snapped during the sleepover.

Although I didn't get the ticker-tape parade I expected at our reunion, I've noticed that he's been a little more cuddily this week, especially at night time. Not sure if it's all connected, but it's definitely more than welcomed! I've missed having a tiny baby to hold all the time, though I enjoy this new, fun, independent stage.