Friday, July 24, 2009

More Reasons I Love You


Things today that are striking me as some of the MANY reasons I love you so much and am astounded by you:
  • You love water--baths, swimming, running through water spray. You've managed to sneak into the little pool with your clothes on and even tried to do it at Aunt Kay and Uncle Doug's today.

  • You want to try new things (well, except for food!) Today you watched Everett, Kaylee and Elisabeth playing and you mimmicked almost all of it with a smile on your face.

  • You amaze me with your good memory. You remember words in books, names, letters, songs....seemingly everything. I love to listen to you sing your favorite songs while I drive: Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle and the ABCs.

  • You like to spot things. Right now, as I write, you're helping Diego point out animals. Earlier you were calling "Goooooats" out the window. I know when we go play in the evening shade tonight that you'll run right over to the tree and ask for a branch to feed to Diedra.

  • I love how you get excited when we are a few roads away from Aunt Dayna's house because you know where we're going.
  • You love to make people laugh and you love to express yourself through laughter, shrieks, your eyebrows and dance.
  • You love me unconditionally. When I feel like a failure because I haven't been able to find a job in 6 months, you remind me that when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter. You love me anyway!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

So true. Children DO love you no matter what. I think that's one of the most important lessons we learn (hopefully!) from being a parent. So many times I have been in the "depths of despair" and have felt my children pull me out just by being who they are and by reminding me of what's truly important in life.